RECITATION : An important element in classroom teaching.
Allow me to say that a language teacher is like a person who describes a beautiful flower to a group of people whose eyes have been blind folded. The meaning of the poem reaches the students only when the children learn to recite it with proper intonation and modulation . I would like to present a demo.
You know, sometimes we ignore the insignificant creatures like an ant or a fly. their torture does not appeal to our heart . It is applicable to all strata of social life. The poet condemns this attitude by calling it a thoughtless cruelty. A creature has a normal process of death as mother nature has set it. Such as a deer is killed by a tiger is a natural process but a deer shot by us is cruelty. So nature decides the life span and the process of death. We must not underestimate the magnitude of pain by judging the size of the creature .
Thoughtless Cruelty
by Charles Lamb
There, Robert, you have killed that fly,
And should you thousand ages try
The life you've taken to supply,
You could not do it.
You surely must have been devoid
Of thought and sense, to have destroyed
A thing which no way you annoyed—
You'll one day rue it.
'Twas but a fly perhaps you'll say,
That's born in April, dies in May;
That does but just learn to display
His wings one minute,
A bird devours it in his flight,
Or come a cold blast in the night,
There's no breath in it.
The bird but seeks his proper food;
And Providence, whose power endued
That fly with life, when it thinks good,
May justly take it.
But you have no excuses for't;
A life by Nature made so short,
Less reason is that you for sport
Should shorter make it.
A fly a little thing you rate,
But, Robert, do not estimate
A creature's pain by small or great;
The greatest being
Can have but fibres, nerves, and flesh,
And these the smallest ones possess,
Although their frame and structure less
Escape our seeing.
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