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Virtually True - Analysis with an insight into Disruptive Technology

Let us understand what does the story deal with!

Paul Stewart is British writer. His major works are on Children's books and Fantasy. He is a major in Creative writing. Worked several years as an English teacher before becoming a full time writer. 


Be familiar with the following term(s)

Virtual= Appears to be real but not real--- antonym--- Actual/ real/ true 

Therefore, the title is oxymoron (opposing/ contrasting because anything that is Virtual can not be True) in order to create suspense, ingredient for Science Fiction and also to present a futuristic idea that virtual reality, augmented reality or virtual environments may interfere into our lives, may be for the benefit of human beings. 

1. Disruptive Technology-  Here 'Disruptive' means a radical change in an existing process or business applying innovation. Hence, a disruptive technology is a radical change in technology that surpasses an older process, product, or habit. Something like Cab booking/ Riding aps, On line news channels, OTT platforms or even e-commerce- all these have changed their older forms.
2. Computer Simulation- Simulation means to create or imitate a situation or a process in a computer for the purpose of study or training or practical learning.  

 3. Virtual Reality/ Virtual Environment- It is a replica / duplicate of a real life situation or an environment with a specific purpose so that the actual object or environment is not affected.

Suppose, a boy is being trained about a space craft. He is presented a computer simulated space craft. How does he enter into space craft in virtual reality?- through the visor (the glass that one wears in virtual reality). 

 How does he operate the craft?- by using specially made gloves or keyboard configurations.  Something like-

Now, the boy is seated in his bedroom or classroom but in virtual reality he sees that he is in the space craft. Does he require a real space craft?. NO. Because the computer simulation is made exactly the way the real space craft would behave. Thus virtual reality replaces the older version of teaching- that is, presenting a model. In that case, one could only see a 3D model but could not enter into it or even operate it. 

Now let us consider the Story:- 
Basic thing is 'Miracle Recovery' because the doctors gave up hope which means according to the regular medical practices there was very remote chance for Sebastian to recover from coma. Here the writer used the disruptive technology/ alternate technology. The virtual environment was simulated (in the game) where Sebastian was stuck up (Coma in real life). Michael freed Sebastian from captivity / stuck up situation from the game and thus in reality he recovered from Coma. HOWEVER, IT IS STILL NOT POSIIBLE (that is why it is a fiction, not fact). 

The story is futuristic because  
a) psycho-drive games have not yet been invented, 
b) Virtual reality has not yet been applied in medical field for treatment 
but the writer predicts that Disruptive Technology or Disruptive Intelligence/ Artificial Intelligence/ Virtual Reality Virtual Environment will interfere into human living in future. However, the writer's positive approach is that he predicted positive utilization of virtual reality or artificial intelligence which might be otherwise, if used by misguided minds. 

Analysis of the story 

1. Story begins with 'Miracle Recovery' and Michael's bafflement about Sebastian Sultz with a reference to Doctors' prediction that the coma might last forever. IT IS A LITEERARY STUNT OR LITERARY GIMMICK (that could only happen in literature). It is purposefully created to hold the suspense and attention of the readers. 
2. Michael discusses his computer- The configuration of Michael's computer is decade old. Modern computers are far more advanced than what he mentioned. However, the performance of Michael's computer is far beyond the ability of most advanced computers of today- it could play psycho-drive games, which is not possible even today. Moreover, Michael  indirectly introduces himself as a character that is tech savvy and modern. 
3. Psycho-drive games- NOT AVAILABLE TILL DATE IN REALITY. The games are made in such a way that the games store the thought process of the game player while he plays the game. IS IT POSSIBLE NOW? NO.
4. Michael's explanation- That the games that Sebastian was playing while he met the accident, stored or saved the thought process of Sebastian. After Michael bought the games from fair, he started from that part till which Sebastian played before accident in his real life. In the first three games -Wild West, Dragon Quest and Jail Break- Michael could not save/ free Sebastian WHICH MEANS UNTIL THEN SEBASTIAN WAS STUCK UP IN THE GAMES AND 'IN COMA IN REALITY' 
4. Fourth game- War Zone- Michael succeeded to free Sebastian from captivity or could help him escape from stuck up situation and so he could escape from coma. 


That's why the story ends with- 'I only know that it is true, virtually'


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